P/PV Publications
Targeting Industries, Training Workers and Improving Opportunities

This executive summary provides a brief look at the key findings and challenges sectoral programs encountered while participating in the Sectoral Employment Initiative (SEI). By identifying local sectors that lack workers — which might range from health care to manufacturing to construction — these organizations were shown, in many cases, to help low-income workers acquire the specific skills they need to fill available positions.
Seeking A Sustainable Journey to Work

The Bridges to Work demonstration was designed to test whether efforts to help inner-city job seekers overcome barriers to accessing suburban jobs would result in better employment opportunities and…
Gearing Up: An Interim Report on the Sectoral Employment Initiative

Gearing Up is the first P/PV report on the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation’s Sectoral Employment Initiative. It provides information about the various strategies being pursued, who is participating, and the sites’ successes and struggles through the initiative’s first two years. The report concludes with observations on those factors that appear critical to participating organizations’ attaining their goals.
Relative Strength

We heard a lot during the 2000 presidential campaign about the importance of working families. Each party has done its best to demonstrate that it will be the better friend to these households….
Mentoring School-Age Children: A Classification of Programs

The number of mentoring programs providing adult support to youth has increased dramatically in recent years. This report presents information on the characteristics of programs serving school-aged…
Getting In, Staying On, Moving Up

Changes in workforce development policy are requiring employment programs to develop job retention strategies. This report looks at the Vocational Foundation, Inc. (VFI), one of New York Citys most…
Investing in Low-Wage Workers

While child care is one of the fastest growing occupations in the country, most employment in this field is precarious and low-wage. Investing in Low-Wage Workers profiles the Day Care Justice…
Promoting Opportunity

Promoting Opportunity is the final report on the State Workforce Policy Initiative, which was based on the premise that low-income individuals with limited work experience and skills may be able to…
Through the Eye of a Needle

Prepared for the US Department of Labor, this P/PV report evaluates the effectiveness of the National Emergency Grant (NEG) money awarded to organizations in Chinatown in the wake of September 11th. Through interviews with program staff and key informants, P/PV examines the outcomes achieved by individual grantees, assesses the effect of the NEG on overall service provision and provides recommendations about how the Chinatown NEG could be adjusted to respond to similar situations in the future.
Deepening Disparity: Income Inequality in New York City

This policy brief examines the rapid income gains made among wealthy New Yorkers and stagnant incomes among the poor that have caused income inequality in New York City to become more extreme than…
Overcoming Roadblocks on the Way to Work

While many low-income, inner-city job seekers are isolated from economic opportunities in the suburbs, transportation alone is unlikely to improve their employment prospects, according to the…
Labor Market Leverage: Sectoral Employment Field Report

Rapid economic change over the past 25 years has dramatically altered the character and performance of the labor market, making it increasingly difficult for workers, particularly those with low…
What's Next After Work First

Moving people into the workforce quickly may be the best first step to moving them out of poverty; but, by itself, rapid attachment is not likely to achieve the more important workforce development…