Mobility Releases Request for Proposals

Ever wondered if your program would succeed in a randomized controlled trial (RCT) evaluation, but didn’t know where to start? Mobility is offering to conduct formal program assessments for up to five organizations through analysis of program data, site visits and staff interviews. We will provide organizations with an understanding of whether they are in a good position to show impact along with specific recommendations about steps they can take to strengthen their programs to improve their chances. Mobility will match each organization’s contribution with $10,000 of its own resources.

Mobility has conducted RCT evaluations of Per Scholas, Year Up, Project QUEST, Wisconsin Regional Training Partnerships and JVS Boston, each of which has demonstrated large earnings impacts for participants. Mobility is currently conducting RCTs of Per Scholas’ replication programs, Capital IDEA, JVS Boston’s Pay for Success initiative, and a replication of the CUNY ASAP program in West Virginia.

“Mobility is the undisputed leader in performing RCT evaluations in the workforce development field, and for good reason.  Mobility strongly believes that evaluations should help drive improved program performance in real time, and they use their extensive workforce development experience to help organizations like JVS to increase our quality and performance through the evaluation process.”  – Jerry Rubin, President and CEO, JVS Boston 

Read the Request for Proposals





Would you consider applications from organizations interested in other types of evaluations?

This RFP is limited to organizations considering randomized-controlled trial (RCT) evaluations. But we’re happy to discuss other types of evaluations. Just email us

Will you be issuing another RFP in the future?

Yes, we’d like to make this an ongoing opportunity. If you’d like to know when we issue a new RFP, just sign up for email updates on our homepage.

If our main program goal is not one of the three in the RFP, can we apply? 

While this RFP is limited to employment, post-secondary education and asset/credit building, let us know what you’re interested in and maybe we can include it next time.

Do we need to have resources for an RCT evaluation to apply? 

No, that’s not our expectation. Of course, if you do you should note that in your application.

Can for-profits apply?

No, but if you’re interested in having your program evaluated, feel free to contact us.

What will the process be to identify the five organizations? 

We’ll review all of the proposals and select a group of finalists that meet all of the eligibility criteria and appear to have the performance, scale and capacity to succeed in this type of evaluation. We will then conduct telephone interviews with all finalists to select the five organizations.

If we’re selected, how soon will the assessment be completed?

Mobility will work with each organization to develop a timetable based on its needs and our capacity. Once organizations are selected, we expect to complete all of the assessments within four to six months.